Family portrait at the Devils Marbles, Northern Territory

Hello and welcome!

If you are a seeker of a wild and wonderful life — one filled with adventure, nature, compassion, and joy — then this space is for you.

Find a comfy chair, settle in (with a cup of tea in hand) and —

warm your heart,

grow curious,

be inspired,

dream big,

go wild.

It will be wonderful. And there will be a community of lovely people to share the journey with.

Wild and wonderful is a love letter to life in lutruwita/Tasmania — a small Island in Australia, at the bottom of the world.

It is the space where I share creative non-fiction stories that seek to uncover the larger meaning of everyday moments. I also share wonderfully wild photos of the places I visit, gorgeous poetry, and interviews with wild and wonderful people whom you’ll love.

Lots to enjoy.

I hope Wild and Wonderful may inspire you to be adventurous and all that you dream to be.

Why wild and wonderful?

Wild and wonderful are two words that mean a lot to me. A wild life is passionate and courageous, not afraid to take a risk or to try something new. It walks on the edge of the things. And sometimes this hurts. A wild life is also tangled and complex, as messy as the rainforest floor.

A wonderful life is bubbly and joyous. It makes time for the things that matter — friends and family, nature, and kindness. A wonderful life opens its arms to the world and pays attention to the small quiet things as well as the big noisy things. It finds joy in our everyday.

This is the kind of life I want to live.

Perhaps wild and wonderful are words that resonate with you?


The floral design of Wild and Wonderful is a Tasmanian Blue Gum — Eucalyptus globulus. It was designed and created by my *wonderfully* talented sister-in-law, Amanda Snowball. She lives on Salt Spring Island in Canada, is a mother of two young boys, and is a versatile artist who loves to create through drawing, painting, and crafting. You can find her on Instagram here.

You can read the story behind my lovely logo here.

What happens when you subscribe?

A wonderfully wild letter will arrive in your inbox on the first and third Sunday of every month, at 9am AEST (with a little wriggle room). You can read Wild and Wonderful on the Substack website or app too.

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Available for iOS and Android

Free subscribers receive

Two letters a month (first and third Sunday at 9am AEST) —

  • creative non-fiction stories;

  • poetry; and

  • photos and videos from wild places.

Paid subscribers receive

My deepest gratitude for your support of Wild and Wonderful. Plus the satisfaction of nurturing this project — a newsletter for people seeking a life full of adventure, nature, compassion, and joy — in its early stages.

Whether you sign up for free or a paid subscription, I value your presence here.

Writing at the kitchen table with Trixie (Red Tailed Black Cockatoo)

About me

Hello, I’m Kate.

I’m a mother of four, writer of creative non-fiction, adventurer, and lover of all things wild.

I enjoy being outdoors, hiking in the wild with my family, running on a mountain trail, watching the sun rise above the hills. I love reading, especially poetry. I have a pet cockatoo called Trixie, her tail feathers are the colour of the sunset — red, yellow, and orange. Oh, how I adore her.

I’m a full time mother. Part time writer. In the quiet spaces of family life — before the call of birds and children — I like to write stories.

I am also a brain tumour survivor and an advocate for the brain tumour community in Australia.

Wild and wonderful, ordinary and precious — life is an adventure.

Will you join me?

Kate x

Wild and Wonderful is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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For people seeking a life full of adventure, nature, compassion, and joy. Big-hearted stories from Tasmania, a little Island at the bottom of the world.


Mother of four, writer of creative non-fiction, adventurer, and lover of all things wild.